Inquiry #1

What are effective models of providing meaningful feedback to teachers and staff?

“The purpose of educational leadership is to ensure quality learning experiences: every student, every day, no exceptions.” College of Alberta School Superintendents, Alberta Leadership Framework

Rationale: I am convinced that meaningful feedback, in a environment of continual school improvement and through a relationship built on trust, is essential for teachers and staff. That being said, I have to acknowledge my own reluctance in this area. This is why it is such an important goal for me.

Possible Resources:

Marzano’s Observation & Feedback Protocol (@robertjmarzano) – we created a mobile documentation tool that used Google forms and could be done on the iPad or iPhone but we are putting this on hold as teachers were getting nervous seeing us taking notes during initial walk throughs

Manager Tools Feedback Model: Mark Horstman (@mahorstman) and Mike Auzenne (@mauzenne) podcasts are great

First Steps:

  • Scheduled formal teacher observations and follow up feedback times
  • Commit to daily walk throughs
  • Play with “No Office Days”

Inquiry #2

What are the key strange attractors that influence the emergence of meaningful and effective professional learning and collaborative inquiry leading to enhanced teaching and improvement in student learning?

Rationale: Our Professional Learning Communities have matured beyond the topic based and facilitator led model. This year we want teachers to develop their PLCs – their own groups and collaborative inquiries. These align with their inquiry based professional growth plans. Giving up control is scary. However, we know that teachers who are empowered and supported are the key to enhancing the individual classroom and the overall system.

Possible Resources:

Rick & BeckyDuFour (@SolutionTree)  – great summary of teacher led, job embedded, PLCs (article)

Michael Fullan‘s Work -specifically, The Six Secrets of Change

The Essential Equation by Townsend and Adams – PLCs as process that should be embedded through the culture and practice of the school.

This video by Fablevision and Partnership for 21st Century Skills articulates the importance of  emergent, inquiry based professional learning:

First Steps:

  • Allow teachers to develop their own PLCs
  • Provide a structure for them to plan, report, and celebrate their learning.
  • Share their success stories and challenges with the rest of the staff.

Inquiry #3

To what extent does the financial model used by schools influence the development and effectiveness of the learning programs?

Rationale: Since become the School Head, getting my head around the enormity of the school budget has been essential. As a rapidly growing school our annual budget continues to grow and it is becoming more and more important to develop a capital expense budget. Our income comes from 3 key sources: student tuition, government subventions, and corporate donations.

Inquiry #4

Articulate the vision.

Rationale: I came to Macau to build the best possible Alberta-curriculum school in the world. We have succeeded in building a highly effective school. It is now time to set the vision and course for the next few years. As we break past the 1000 student mark, we need to questions our own basic assumptions, take a heading, and develop the necessary systems to stay on course. Alongside this, the development of Phase II (600 additional students) and the Boarding School are important.